

Janice Hathaway

Janice Hathaway

Janice Hathaway is a surrealist, artist, photographer, designer and educator. Janice has been taking photographs since the 1970s and has continued to do over the years wherever she lives or travels. Many photographs are primarily used as collage materials to create her two-dimensional and sculptural surrealist collage. Other photographs are portraits of her family and friends. Over the years Janice has made many photographs of musicians, dancers and theater productions.

Janice is a Professor of Computer Arts at Thomas Nelson Community College where she started teaching in 2008. Prior to moving to Virginia, she lived in Hawaii for twenty years and taught at Kapi’olani Community College in Honolulu, Hawaii. Janice has a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking and Photography, from the University of Alabama.

Janice began working as a surrealist in 1973 when she became a founding member of the Alabama surrealist group, now known as Fresh Dirt, and still continues to publish and exhibit internationally as part of the international surrealist movement.