Janice Hathaway
Transmorgraph, archival print
Metamorphosis was produced for 2016 Peculiar Mormryid Issue 4 Inquiry into Surrealism and the Sea & Marine Communism.
Mysterious Derelict Found at Sea
For this issue Peculiar Mormyrid leaves the shore far behind to explore, as Lovecraft once hinted, “those unhallowed blasphemies from elder stars that dream beneath the sea.” Far from taking the sea as a mere backdrop, Peculiar Mormyrid 4 seeks to confirm a long suspected poetic hypothesis: that the sea is the marvel-generating habitat par excellence. This issue presents the results of a submarine inquiry in which surrealists from around the world attempt to reclaim the sea from capitalist exploitation and, in-tandem with global warming and rising water levels, re-colonize the land with aquatic forms of being. Here contributors explore through many different media the sea’s particular genius for the poetic, the eldritch, the utopian, and the egalitarian organization of aquatic life forms.
Peculiar Mormyrid Surrealism and the Sea & Marine Communism is available on Lulu.