Janice Hathaway
Through the Looking Glass
Transmorgraph, archival print
Through the Looking Glass was produced for 2018 Peculiar Mormryid 7 Welcome to the Microscopic Life.
Welcome to the Microscopic Life
“And things are worse than ever,” thought the poor child,
“for I never was so small as this before, never!”
-Alice, Alice in Wonderland
This spring, Peculiar Mormyrid invites you to step under the shrinking ray and to join us on an exploratory mission to the microscopic world. Together we will confront the perils of obscene orifices, towering bugs, looming toys, massive dice, a coin the size of a flying saucer, and other things too small to be considered ordinarily worthwhile. We will seek out the marvellous in the miniscule and in the insignificant. We will trivialize the so-called great triumphs of civilization by means of phallic shrinkage. On the lookout for subversive microbes and uncanny critters, we hope to skew the perspective of the everyday from below the below. We are especially interested in small objects, miniaturized circumstances, collective experiments and games around the microscopic and the unseen.
Peculiar Mormyrid Welcome to the Microscopic Life is available on Lulu.
LuluSupermoon by Tomruen, 14 November 2016.